In one of the workshops on Positive reframing, I asked participants to answer the question, "Why me?" and when I saw perplexed looks on their faces, I said, "No, I am not talking about why me as a question that has to be answered in a victim mode, but why me as a winner or someone who used the power of resilience to add value to people, situations or decisions". In other words, I asked the participants to reframe the answer to something positive like what worked for them.
One participant raised his hand and said, "Because I mean what I say and I act upon it all the time" and the other spoke, "Because I am compassionate and empathetic" and all the 15 participants spoke again and again and the room was filled with an intense energy. Basically, this question asks you to look at yourself and speak what represents the core of you, your strengths and how you celebrate life.
Why me? "Because I am unique, No one else like me ever existed or will exist again", said the participant who spoke last.
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